Foster Care Ministry

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. –James 1:27 (NLT)


At Harbor Life, we are responding to James 1:27 by committing to care for children without families in our communities. We count it as part of our mission to educate, train, and equip our congregants to create safe places for kids to belong to family.


The Need


In Florida, there are currently:

- Over 24,000 children in the foster care system.

- 60% of kids in foster care who “age out” of the system.

- Over 400 children in the foster care system in the Suncoast region (consisting of Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSoto counties).

- Only 130 foster homes in the Suncoast region.


The sense of loneliness and lack of family doesn’t automatically disappear when a child turns 18, and the lasting effects can be devastating.

 • 80% of human trafficking survivors were in the foster care system

 • 60% of inmates were in the foster care system

 • 50% of people experiencing homelessness were in the foster care system

Ways to Get Involved


We see the need to make a difference in the lives of these children and their families! For some, this may awaken the calling to become a foster parent or adopt a child. But supporting adoption and foster care doesn’t always mean bringing an orphaned child into your home. There are several ways you can make an impact on a child in need!


1. Become a foster or adoptive family.

A Door of Hope provides gospel-centered training for foster and adoptive families, equipping them as they enter the mission field of ministry to vulnerable children. The first step toward becoming a foster or adoptive family is to complete A Door of Hope’s foster care application.


2. Join our Foster Support Team!

Every month, we partner with Manatee County and A Bridge of Life to tackle the physical needs of families involved in the foster care system. Each month, we commit to take on physical needs of a family that prevent children from being removed and placed in the foster care system. We seek to partner with case workers, encourage all involved social workers, and support foster families within our church family.


Want to be part of the team? 

Sign up to receive monthly emails about the needs we are helping fulfill!